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Developer's DescriptionBy AVNSoftwareTHIS IS THE BEST EMAIL FREE APPS FOR GMAIL AND OTHER MAIL ON MARKET APP IN 2019 WITH FEATURES: FAST ACCESS, SECURITY DATA, SMART SYSTEM, ANTI...THIS IS THE BEST EMAIL FREE APPS FOR GMAIL AND OTHER MAIL ON MARKET APP IN 2019 WITH FEATURES: FAST ACCESS, SECURITY DATA, SMART SYSTEM, ANTI SPAM, LOGIN MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS.WHY SHOULD YOU CHOOSE THE AVN EMAIL INSTEAD OF OTHER FREE EMAIL APPS?FAST ACCESS - The application uses libraries to support for sign in to email data and auto sign in gmail.INTELLIGENT EMAIL SYSTEM - Learning machine system makes log in easy and reduce the possibility of logging in faulty emails.ANTI SPAM - Support anti-spam through machine learning algorithm.AUTO LOGIN GMAIL: Log in automatically by using Gmail OAuth automatic sign in gmail without emails password.SIGNATURE - Easy to compose new email quickly and professionally.EASY EMAIL- AVN Email application has a user-friendly interface, used to replace webmail.OPTIMIZE APPLICATION - The email applications has the smallest memory capacity & quickly access.ALL EMAIL INBOX IN ONE:- You have more than one Gmail accounts and you often login Gmail.- You need to check Outlook email account daily.- You need to login email account Hotmail quickly and conveniently.All of the above you just need to use the email application to login Gmail & all mailboxes.SMART EMAIL APPLICATIONMULTIPLE EMAIL PROVIDER - Sign in email with Gmail, Outlook,Aol mail, Exchange, HotMail, Live mail, Yandex mail, Office 365 mail, Mail.ru and more.SMART NOTIFICATION - Customize the sound notification time when new email arrivesFAST FILTERS - Easy to search and filter email with subject, date, status, attachment.CONVENIENT EMAILREPLY QUICK - Email with your template email.CHANGE LANGUAGE - Easy to switch languages into different languages.CHANGE THEME - Change the color background, the interface of the email application.EMAIL GROUP - Create and edit email groups.SIGNATURE IN TEXT - Create professional email signatures with links and images.SECURITY MAILENCRYPTED DATA - During sending, receiving & storage email on phone memory.APPLICATION LOCK - Data protection when logging in to the application.LOGIN MULTIPLE ACCOUNTSWith the AVN email application, you can login different email types at the same time, including: Gmail, Outlook, Exchange, Live mail, Yandex, mail.ru, icloud, Web.de, Qip.FREE EMAIL APPLICATIONThe AVN Email application is absolutely free android email app, we want the best product for users.CONTACT AND FEEDBACK TO EMAIL APPLICATIONWe are grateful and willing to listen users' feedback about the email apps. Please contact us via email: avndevstudio@gmail.com or avnsoftware@hotmail.com