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Developer's DescriptionBy Keith SmithEvangelist is an app to guide Bible Believing Christians when they share their faith with non-believers.Evangelist is an app to guide Bible Believing Christians when they share their faith with non-believers.The app divides into four main sections -1. The Great Commission this is a reminder of what Jesus has instructed us to do and to be encouraged as He has said I am with you always even unto the end of the world.2. Claim a Promise & Pray This is a sample of a 'Promise' that will help you as you Pray before going out to evangelise. This promise can be exchanged simply by taking a screen shot of an alternative promise from Gods word, selecting New from this section and then following the link to access this photograph stored on your device.3. Survey This section will guide you through a survey that will present the law (5 of the 10 commandments) to the lost so as they will see their condition before a Holy God. After this the Gospel is presented and you are then encouraged to ask for a response. The printer icon will take you to your stored photographs of the tracts where you can select a tract to pretend that it is being printed by your device this is just a novel way of leaving a tract with the person you have been witnessing to.There is a YouTube clip (link below) to see this pretend print in action.4. Give thanks and pray to finish, it is important to thank God for His help, to pray for those you have witnessed to, and ask the Lords blessing on the seed that has been sown.Menu will provide access to the following:Print this will link to the pretend printer so as this feature can be used as a stand alone when distributing tracts.Settings this will provide a link to update the photographs that you want to store for the pretend print feature.Click in the blue circle and the bin at the top right of your screen to delete a photograph from the app.Bible Verses here you will find 11 Bible verses that I trust will be of help as you use the app to evangelise.Acknowledgements - Both of the evangelism resources below have been of great benefit to me over many years and have been a means of encouragement as I developed this app.I would encourage you to visit: https://www.livingwaters.comwhere you can watch this well-established method of evangelism in action.I would also encourage you to visit:https://www.revivalmovement.orgThis ministry equips churches and mission agencies worldwide by printing and shipping Gospel literature free of charge.The tracts that are preloaded in the app have been obtained from this ministry.
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