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Developer's DescriptionBy Axar EducationAxar Education Free Education Gujarati App Provide Kaydo (Police Constable ) Gujarati Gk, Gujarat Police Bharti (Gujarat Police Exam 2018,Gujarat.Axar Education Free Education Gujarati App Provide Kaydo (Police Constable ) Gujarati Gk, Gujarat Police Bharti (Gujarat Police Exam 2018,Gujarat Police Exam,Police Bharati,Police Bharti old exam paper)all subject Cover all Syllabus Bharat nu bandharan(Bhartiy Bandharan), IPC(INDIAN PINAL CODE), CRPC(CRIMINAL PROCEDURE CODE - 1973),CRPC 1973,Bhartiy purava adhiniyam 1872(The Indian Evidence Act - 1872),Gujarat No Itihas, Gujarat Ni Bhugol, Gujarat Ni Sanskruti,Computer Knowladge,Jaher Vahivat,Gujarati Sahity,Maha Gujarat Andolan,Gujarati Vyakran (Gujarati Grammar),English Grammar,MCQ Test,One Liner Question,Sathi Motu, Sauthi nanu,Guajrat Ma First,Prachin Upnam and etc.... one liner question and exam in most usefull question application Vivekanand Academy Gk Gujarati Very use full material One liner Gk All PAST Exam PAPER to very IMP ALL GENARAL Question Axar World In Box Gk(Gujarati Gk World In Box)(One liner Question)(All topic question, current affairs, bandharan,History mcq, Genaral Science MCQ, computer,Genaral Knowladge mcq, kaydo, gujarat bhugol, gujarat itihas, gujrat no varsho, bharat nu bandharan, bharat no itihas, bharat ni bhugol, ramat gamat, gk)and (tet tat htat) Axar TET TAT HTAT MERIT CALCULATOR Gujarati Gk MCQ Live live mcq question gujarati, gujarati vyakran, maths, bandharan, english grammar, vignan, gujarat parichay, Anamikaoneliner Gujarati in Gk Very use full material One liner Gk All PAST Exam PAPER to very IMP ALL GENARAL Question Gk In Science Gujarati(Science and techonology) , Indian Evidence Act - 1872 Gujarati (IEA), gujarati indian evidence act 1872, The indian evi act,Indian Evidence Act, criminal procedure code, Criminal code, criminal procedure code in gujarati, Axar IPC Gujarati,indian penal code gujarati,,IPC GUJARATI,IPC In Gujarati,IPC(Gujarati),IPC Rules Gujarati,ipc gujarati, ipc all chepter full details provide and my other app show very use full Bhartiy Bandharan Gujarati,Constitution Of India,Bharat Nu Bandharan,Bharatiy Sanvidhan bandharan total twenty two part this app all chepter full details provide this app and all smartphone supported and Axar Education in to other my education apllication show all app is very use full Jaher Vahivat,Gk In Gujarati,IPC,indian penal code,gujarati grammar,english grammar,Axar Science Technology,genaral science Gujarati Very use One liner Gk All PAST Exam PAPER to very IMP ALL GENARAL Question Axar World In Box Gk(Gujarati Gk World In Box)(One liner Question)(All topic question, current affairs, bandharan,History mcq, ...Read OnlineKaydo (Police Constable ) Gujarati GkPolice ConstablePolice ExamConstable ExamPolice Kaydo KnowledgeWorld Gk GujaratiGujarat BhugolBharat BhugolVishw BhugolGujarat Bhugol GujaratiBharat Bhugol GujaratiVishw Bhugol GujaratiGeography of GujaratGeography of IndiaGeography of WorldGujrat History In GujaratiGujarat No Itihas In GujaratiBharat No Itihas In GujaratiIndian History In GujaratiVishw No Itihas In GujaratiWorld History In Gujaratiancient india historyindia s historyindia historyancient history of indiaancient indiahistory indiaindia ancient historyhistory in indiahistorical map of indiahistory on indiacomplete history of indiahistory of english in indiapolitical history of indiahistory ancient indiarulers of indiaancient civilization of indiahistorical events in indiabooks on history of indiaa history of indiahistory of india for kidsmodern history of indiahistory of ancient indiathe history of indiafull history of indiahistory of india bookearly history of indiaancient history of india in hindieconomic history of indiaold history of indiaancient history indiaBandharanGujarati GkGujarati VyakranGujarati GrammarEnglish GrammarEnglish VyakranPanchayati RajIPC (Indian Penal Code)CRPCGujarat BhugolIndian BhugolMaths In GujaratiGujarati MathsCurrent Affires GujaratiDaily CurrentTalati GkClark Gk