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Developer's DescriptionBy DoinfotechWow Scanner Pro: Lightweight all in one proximity application.Wow Scanner Pro : Lightweight all in one proximity application.You can "Create" / "Scan" any type of Bar-Code / QR-Code / NFC-Tag / BLE-Beacons that you want.Worried to keep multiple apps to deal with same proximity job ?. Wow scanner Pro is all in one integrated feature app to deal with qr-code, bar-code, ble-bluetooth, nfc, hf-rfid create/scan.REQUIREMENTS:---------------------------In order to use barcode & qrcode scan/create feature your mobile must have built-in camera.In order to use nfc, hf-rfid feature, your mobile must have NFC support.In order to use Beacon receiver feature, your device must have a BLE (Bluetooth low energy) hardware support with Android 5 (lollipop) and above.In order to use Beacon transmitter feature, your device must have a BLE (Bluetooth low energy) hardware support with Android 6 (marshmallow) and above.When you scan any URL that redirect to online content, you may need Internet connectivity.Privacy Policy:----------------------"Wow Scanner Pro" does not store any data retrieved from tags on persistent memory without explicit user consent."Wow Scanner Pro" does not transmit any data retrieved from tags across the Internet."Wow Scanner Pro" is thoroughly tested with multiple tags/bar/qrcode/ble-transceiver."Wow Scanner Pro" - Designed & Developed by "DOINFOTECH" "Doinfotech.com".Wow Scanner Pro is the embedded system based start-up company and specialized in providing the mobile apps for "inventory management", "warehouse management" & "retail store stock management" field.Tags: NFC / QR / BARCODE / BLE-BEACON / HF-RFID.For more details, please visit our website www.doinfotech.com or contact us info@doinfotech.com.Our social links:----------------------------www.facebook.com/doinfotech ;www.twitter.com/doinfotech ;https://www.linkedin.com/in/doinfotech/--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copyright (c) 2017-18 DOINFOTECH.com All rights reserved.