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Eyes : Diseases and Treatments

Eyes : Diseases and Treatments

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Developer's DescriptionBy goGOODappMyopia or dysentery (Nearsightedness / Myopia) is a common cause of blurred vision.Myopia or dysentery (Nearsightedness / Myopia) is a common cause of blurred vision. People with nearsightedness see distant objects in a confused and unclear way. Occasionally, strabismus can be made, or eyes may be narrowed to see things clearly.In general, dyslexia is impaired vision, not disease. In a few cases, myopia is the result of another disease.Symptoms of myopiaThe vision causes confusion. People with short sightedness generally have the following symptoms:Difficult to see distant objects.Difficult to see the board, television or movie screen.The decline in education, sports activity or work.Symptoms in childrenChildren under the age of 8 or 9 are not always aware of the fact that they have a problem seeing distant objects. Parents or teachers may suspect short-sightedness if the child:Turns or squints.Holds books or objects, very close to his face.He sits in the first row in the classroom, in the theater, very close to the television or computer.He does not care about sport, or other activities that require good visibility to long distances.Sometimes he suffers from headaches.Causes and risk of myopiaThe risk of myopia is greater in people with a family history than myopia.Women are more likely than men to have acute myopia.In preterm infants, especially those with retinal nephropathy, the risk of nearsightedness is greater.Some genetic eye diseases increase the risk of infection.Research suggests that there is a relationship between work from a short distance, such as reading, and the development of dysfunction and injury.Certain research links significantly between reading and short-sightedness.Diagnosis of myopiaMyopia can be detected by a routine examination of the eyes, in addition to other vision problems and diseases that will affect the eyes. The duration of the full examination is between 30 - 60 minutes.Routine eye examination includes:Questionnaire from the ophthalmologist: about medical history and actual medical examination.Visibility tests: Examine the intensity of vision, field of vision and refraction (refraction of light).Slit lamp: The eyes are examined with a microscope.Tonometry: The pressure inside the eye is examined.Ophthalmoscope: A device that enables the doctor to view the back of the eye.treatment abbreviation medicaltreatment advocacy centertreatment centers of americatreatment coordinatortreatment medical abbreviationtreatment yersinia pestiscauses joint inflammationcauses joint stiffnesscauses normocytic anemiacauses unexplained weight losseye disease fuchseye disease symptomseye disease amdeyes disease symptomstreatment adherencetreatment emergent adverse eventtreatment guidelinestreatment juvenile arthritistreatment nephrogenic diabetes insipidustreatment plan exampletreatment plan for anxietytreatment plan for ptsdtreatment q fevertreatment quadriceps tendonitistreatment uncomplicated utitreatment variabletreatment writingcauses and effects of the spanish american warcauses and effects of ww1causes venous insufficiencycauses walking pneumoniacauses yellow toenailscauses zika virustreatment examplestreatment in spanishtreatment joint effusiontreatment resistant hypertensiontreatment room for renttreatment wide complex tachycardiatreatment zollinger ellison syndrometreatment zostercauses and effects of the crusadescauses and effects of ww2causes kennel coughcauses to supporteye disease corneaeye disease of the corneatreatment after stroketreatment and control groupstreatment associatestreatment by lanshintreatment definition statisticstreatment essencetreatment goals for depressiontreatment plan for substance abusetreatment programstreatment resistant anxietytreatment vs curexanthelasma treatment creamtreatment yellow fly bites
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