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Mikrotik Dude Android Client

Mikrotik Dude Android Client

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Developer's DescriptionBy Snow Tech SoftwareAny one who uses Mikrotik's The Dude NMS and an Android phone should give this app a try.Any one who uses Mikrotik's The Dude NMS and an Android phone should give this app a try.You can view network maps, View current outages, acknowledge outages, You can have it run in the background checking your Dude server for outages. In the event of an outage it can alert you via notifications. You can also setup notification hours of when you want to receive a notification of an outage and when you don't. You can also get it to alert you if there was a problem connecting to the Dude server. You can customize many other settings. Also includes in app help.Give it a try with no obligation. There is an in app purchase of a one year subscription. This comes with a 10 day free trail. If this app isn't for you just cancel the subscription before the 10 days are up.Update:**The Dude version 6.x is not supported**Mikrotik have removed the web server from the Dude version 6.x. As there is no other way to communicate with The Dude server this means this app will not work with that version.As soon as Mikrotik re-add the web interface or create an API for communication with the Dude I will update this app to include this.I'd love to hear your suggestions/comments. E-mail me using my address belowThis app is in no way affiliated with Mikrotik. This is a third party client application.
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