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Developer's DescriptionBy ForsenthealthEva Moments uses your own familiar family voices, videos and pictures so that you can always be there with your Loved one to say a kind word...Eva Moments uses your own familiar family voices, videos and pictures so that you can always be there with your Loved one to say a kind word, share a calming story, or show a heart-felt moment. Family and friends, including children and grandchildren, can present their favorite picture and video albums creating "Moments" that keep your loved ones connected, reducing loneliness and anxiety. Your familiar voice and face will always be ready to respond, bringing comfort and joy.Create your custom moments from the photos and videos on your device, and then add a familiar voice introduction for your loved one. For example, you can create a MOMENT with a voice intro where you say Hi Grandma! Remember that funny birthday when we all sang . and then have your custom-made album of videos and photos play. For Grandma, she can easily activate that MOMENT just by saying play funny birthday or any other command phrase you choose.* We are looking for early users to use Eva Moments and join our community to improve the lives of our loved seniors using the power of voice and memories. Thank you in advance for using Eva Moments and we value your feedback. Join our community forum: https://eva-community.mn.co/feed *EASY TO USE FOR SENIORSEva Moments is fun and easy to use. For Grandma who is recalling the MOMENTS, she just speaks and the app responds with your voice or the voice of a familiar family member, followed by videos and pictures. For Grandma using the app - it is ZERO TOUCH!EASY TO SETUP A MOMENT:For the person creating a MOMENT (like a family member or friend of the loved one), you can get creative by selecting and ordering your pictures and videos to form a custom album. Add your own unique voice introduction to the album. Your voice is familiar and a powerful way to bring calm, assurance, connection and humor to your loved one.Think of Eva Moments as an interactive and talking album that is an easy and intimate way for your loved one to feel connected to their family and friends.WAYS TO USE Eva Moments:If your Grandma says Play birthdays, then her grandchild responds with Hi Grandma, we love celebrating your birthday! Looking forward to next time! - - followed by playing birthday party videos and pictures.If your Grandma says Play Jacob, then you can have Eva Moments respond with a video of little Jacob saying Hi Grandma! Im helping mom and dad with the gardening, followed by photos or videos of the garden.If your Grandma says Play favorite jokes, then you can have Eva Moments respond with a family member or friend telling jokes.If your Grandma says Play stories, then you can have Eva Moments respond with a family member or friend telling a story.If your Grandma says Play songs, then you can have Eva Moments respond with a family member or friend singing songs.If your Grandma says Play exercises, then you can have Eva Moments respond with a family member or friend showing some exercises.If your Grandma says Play morning routine, then you have Eva Moments respond with a family member showing the morning routine of going to the toilet, brushing teeth, changing clothes and going to the kitchen to eat breakfast.USE ANYWHERE:Eva Moments is designed to be used anywhere - in a car, in a room, in the countryside. As long as your Android device has a microphone and battery power, your face and your voice will always be there to respond and bring comfort. You can enjoy Eva Moments without WiFi or Internet.