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Contemplatio -  The Rosary with Images

Contemplatio - The Rosary with Images

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Developer's DescriptionBy UTMMAppsLanguage Options: Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.Language Options: Portuguese, English, Spanish and Italian.This app makes possible the contemplation of the mysteries of the Holy Rosary through the visualization of paintings of great artists of history. There are over 200 images about the mysteries of Christ's life that help to pray and meditate on the moment related to each mystery.The images have always been widely used by the church as a catechesis tool for the people. With them, the sacred writings take shape allowing anyone to understand the infinite love of God.With this app it is possible to meditate through many images of the same mystery, allowing to observe the same moment of different perspectives, with different details emphasized by the artist and his experience with the Word of God.We hope this app also be a rescue of the sacred art, so rich and so abundant in the history of the Catholic Church.
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