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Pitch Perfect FREE (Early Access)

Pitch Perfect FREE (Early Access)

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Developer's DescriptionBy Paradigm Technology ConsultingGenerate random pitch calling coordinates in seconds, print the player wrist coach inserts and communicate unique codes to your pitchers all...Generate random pitch calling coordinates in seconds, print the player wrist coach inserts and communicate unique codes to your pitchers all within the smooth and sleek app experience.With phone and tablet support optimized for every layout and resolution, you can call pitches with unprecedented efficiency, keeping the game moving fast and your pitchers in rhythm.Pitch Perfect makes it easy to call a clean, secure game without the fear of opposing teams tracking your calls, as each code is randomly associated with a pitch type and zone, and each code is only used once.With the plan & print feature, you can create and print unique pitch plans for each game on tournament day in a matter of minutes, each accompanied by a paper coach sheet. Each coordinate scheme is loaded into your app, and as you tap the visual zone and pitch indicators you are presented with a unique code that corresponds to the wrist cards. Without the need to manually track the used codes on paper, each pitch can be called instantly, with no fear of error.When you finish a game you can reset the scheme for reuse in the next game (assuming it's a different team), save your current call progress or remove the scheme from your account and load up the next one!Pitch Perfect is revolutionizing the softball pitching coach experience, don't let your dugout be the only one without it!
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