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Developer's DescriptionBy wisnua1607When we talk about electronics, certainly will never be separated from the so-called electronic circuit.When we talk about electronics, certainly will never be separated from the so-called electronic circuit. Because the output of learning electronics itself one of them is able to make and improve electronic circuits. Today we know various kinds of electronic circuits, ranging from simple to complex.In every electronic device that we encounter everyday, there must be a series of electronics in it. Call it television, radio, refrigerator, washing machine, and many other electronic devices that rely on electronic circuits as the brain or control. If you see from the definition, an electronic circuit is a collection of electronic components which are arranged into a single unit so that it has a certain function.Electronic circuits are electrical circuits or electrical circuits that use active electronic components such as transistors and integrated circuits (IC chips). Electronic circuits can be very complex, although these circuits use the same basic principles as in ordinary electrical circuits. Electronic circuits are usually categorized into three parts: analog circuits, digital circuits, and combination circuits in between.Analog electronic circuits related to signals that change continuously (smooth or little by little) in accordance with the information they contain. Some electronic equipment such as amplifiers, tuners, radios, and televisions use analog signals mainly at the front and the end. The main components in an analog electronic circuit are passive components (such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, and transformers), and active components (such as transistors, diodes, FETs, CMOS, etc.).In digital electronic circuits, the electrical signal used changes discrete (high or low) according to the logical value (1 or 0) of the information to be processed. Electronic components that use digital signals include logic gates, digital clocks, calculators, PDAs (personal data assistants or pocket computers), microprocessors, and computers.The combined electronic circuits contain both kinds of analog signals and digital signals. Some examples of circuits that use these two types of signals are comparators, counters (counters or timers), PLL, ADC (Analaog-to-Digital Converter), and DAC (Digital-to-Analog Converter). In this Electronic Circuit Learning application there are several kinds of simple electronic circuit schemes that you can know, Hopefully this electronic circuit learning application can help and be useful for you, thank you.