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Developer's DescriptionBy RK TechnologiesInorganic chemistry is the study of inorganic compounds, many of which are ionic compounds (salts) consisting of cations (positively charged...Inorganic chemistry is the study of inorganic compounds, many of which are ionic compounds (salts) consisting of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negatively charged ions) held together by ionic bonding.Inorganic chemistry deals with the synthesis and behavior of inorganic and organometallic compounds. This field covers all chemical compounds except the myriad organic compounds (carbon-based compounds, usually containing C-H bonds), which are the subjects of organic chemistry.App Includes following TopicsCh_1 BASIC CONCEPTS: ATOMSCh_2 BASIC CONCEPTS: MOLECULESCh_3 INTRODUCTION TO MOLECULARS SYMMETRYCh_4 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUESCh_5 BONDING IN POLYATOMIC MOLECULESCh_6 STRUCTURES AND ENERGETICS OF METALLIC AND ICONIC SOLIDSCh_7 ACIDS, BASES AND IONS AQUEOUS SOLUTIONCh_8 REDUCTION AND OXIDATIONCh_9 NON-AQUEOUS MEDIACh_10 HYDROGENCh_11 GROUP 1: THE ALKALI METALSCh_12 THE GROUP 2: METALSCh_13 THE GROUP 13 ELEMENTSCh_14 THE GROUP 14 ELEMENTSCh_15 THE GROUP 15 ELEMENTSCh_16 THE GROUP 16 ELEMENTSCh_17 THE GROUP 17 ELEMENTSCh_18 THE GROUP 18 ELEMENTSCh_19 D-BLOCK METAL CHEMISTRY: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONCh_20 D-BLOCK METAL CHEMISTRY: COORDINATION COMPLEXESCh_21 D-BLOCK METAL CHEMISTRY: THE FIRST ROW METALSCh_22 D-BLOCK METAL CHEMISTRY: THE HEAVIER METALSCh_23 ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS OF S- AND P-BLOCK ELEMENTSCh_24 ORGANOMETALLIC COMPOUNDS OF D-BLOCK ELEMENTSCh_25 CATALYSIS AND SOME INDUSTRIAL PROCESSESCh_26 D-BLOCK METAL COMPLEXES: REACTION MECHANISMSCh_27 THE F-BLOCK METALS: LANTHANOIDS AND ACTINOIDSCh_28 INORGANIC MATERIALS AND NANOTACHNOLOGYCh_29 THE TRACE METALS OF LIFEKey Points of the BookKey denitions are highlighted.Icons indicate a 3D rotatable graphic of the moleculeSelf-study exercises allow students to test theirunderstandingIllustrated Topic boxes provide in-depth theoreticalbackground for studentsEnd-of-chapter problems, including a set of overviewproblems, which test the full range of material fromeach chapterInorganic Chemistry Matters problems, which are set in acontemporary real-world context