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Anglican Book of Common Prayer

Anglican Book of Common Prayer

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Developer's DescriptionBy Merizek WorksThe Anglican Communion was traditionally bound together among other things...The Anglican Communion was traditionally bound together among other thingsby the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England. The 1662 editionhad been a source of inspiration and a prototype of the Prayer Books of thedaughter Churches throughout the Anglican world. With passage of time, theAnglican Communion honoured the desire and freedom of each Province todevelop a liturgy that was appropriate to their cultural context, subjecthowever, to retaining essential universal Anglican norms of worship andtraditional liturgical requirements.In 1842 when the Church Missionary Society re-introduced Christianity toNigeria, the 1662 Book of Common Prayer was brought to form the basis ofChristian worship among the new converts. However, since 1979 when theChurch became an autonomous Province, it became necessary to have aliturgy that will express its own cultural milieu. The 1983 edition of theBook of Common Prayer was a step in that direction; for the saying is truethat it is through Liturgy that we express what we believe. The Anglican Liturgyis firmly rooted in the Scriptures and indeed our Liturgy is a dramatization ofthe Scriptures. We have maintained this foundation and clear expression ofthe Word of God in worship.After many years of usage of the present Book of Common Prayer, the needis now felt to review it, taking cognizance of a number of developments andto fill observed gaps. These include elimination of typographical errors andmisconceived nuances.The rubrics are now clearer and more specific. Some new provisions havebeen made such as the Mid-day Prayer, Consecration of Chrism and theDedication of a New Home. Materials that were not in regular use have beenremoved to reduce the volume of the Book. Sentences for morning andevening prayer, the canticles and hymns are now properly placed. PassionSeason Services have been streamlined. And so are the Baptismal andConfirmation Services. From the foregoing, it is clear that we have madeprofound changes aimed at bringing about a Liturgy that will address thespiritual needs of our people.It is also expected that these changes will move all worshipers to participatemore actively in the Services.Features of This Anglican BCP AppHymns Ancient and Modern Audio offlineAnglican English Liturgy BookEkpere-Na-Abu Audio Tunes offlineOrder of Morning & Evening Prayers, Canticles, Litany, Lectionary, Collects and Readings, etc.Ash Wednesday, Passiontide, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Consecration of Chrism , Good Friday, Easter Vigil: Renewal of Baptismal VowsThe order of Holy Baptism & Holy EucharistThe Holy Matrimony, Blessing of a Civil Marriage, Churching of Women, Ministration to the Sick, Burial Rites I, & Burial Rites IIOrder for Confirmation, Ordination of Deacons and Priests, Consecration of Bishops & Archbishops, Dedication of a Church & home, Foundation Laying of a Church BuildingThe Psalter or Psalms of David, Prayers and Thanksgivings for various occasions
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