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Real Ghost Detector - Ghost Scan Radar Simulator

Real Ghost Detector - Ghost Scan Radar Simulator

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Developer's DescriptionBy Ninjetic StudiosOne of the worlds most downloaded ghost radar applications, Real Ghost Detector, is a free to use app that will be a critical part of your ghost...One of the worlds most downloaded ghost radar applications, Real Ghost Detector, is a free to use app that will be a critical part of your ghost toolkit!Detection colors guide:Each dot or blip on the radar is colored to represent the strength of a single observed entity and its readings, and if a detection goes outside of maximum radar range, then later that same detection returns within the observation range, the same color should be shown, or if it is a different, unique detection, and a unique color should appear although it is possible it will be close to the strength depending on what the sensors read. Each color is graded on the strength of the signal from any one radar blip across ROYGBIV color spectrum, and as dots enter and exit the sensor range their strength is graded based on the magnitude of the readings. The "weakest" types of detection to the "strongest" types of detection are arranged as follows:- Violet - Weakest strength of detection (possible false positive)- Indigo- Blue- Green- Yellow- Orange- Red - Strongest strength of detection (almost never a false positive)Sometimes it helps to allow the app to run for a prolonged period of time for more accurate results. Of course this will allow more time for the radar to detect possible ghosts near the user. Effectiveness and range are slightly different among different devices. Best used in low light, quiet areas, and often detects entities in areas you may have never suspected there to be any active apparitions. It's recommended to repeat scanning and spot checking across several weeks of time for the most effective results. To be a real pro one should collect notes as well alongside the app for referencing which times and specific locations where the sensors detect useful information.NOTICE: For best results on the new version, it is recommended to turn on your LOCATION services, allowing the compass to detect true north geographically from your location. Otherwise it depends on magnetic north, which will be less accurate, and can easily be interfered with by electronics and magnetic objects! The app will not request permissions for location services, but the OS will provide true north if GPS is active.Due to the supernatural nature of this app, and the fact that it cannot be scientifically proven, this app should be used for entertainment purposes only. Perhaps through experimentation, you may notice that unusual things happen while using this app, but often, this is just a figment of your imagination.WARNING: Do not put yourself in danger while using this app, and if you think you are in a situation that is potentially dangerous, turn the app off, and contact help, and immediately leave the area. This app should not be used outside of entertainment purposes, and you should never put yourself in harms way while using this app!
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