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Stick Nodes Pro - Stickfigure Animator

Stick Nodes Pro - Stickfigure Animator

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Developer's DescriptionBy ForTheLoss GamesA powerful stickfigure animation app created with mobile devices in mind.Stick Nodes is a powerful stickman animator app created with mobile devices in mind! Inspired from the popular Pivot stickfigure animator, Stick Nodes allows users to create their own stickfigure-based movies and even export them as animated GIFs and MP4 videos! Stick Nodes is one of the most popular animation apps for young animators!This is the PRO version of Stick Nodes. This version has no startup ad, no watermark on exports, ability to add sound effects, and ability to export to MP4 video. There are MORE effects available including invert colors, tint, saturation, and blur.FeaturesAutomatic frame-tweening, make your animations smoother instantly!Add sound effects to the frames of your animations, make epic movies!*A virtual camera to move and zoom, make your animations cinematic!Variety of shapes, color/scale on a per-segment basis - endless possibilities!Gradient colors, too! Make your stickfigures look realistic or cartoony!Textfields make it easy to add text and dialog to your animations!Ability to create, save, import, and share stickfigures you create!Thosands of freely available stickfigures availabe on the website for free!Compatibility with Pivot-created STK files (version 2.2.7 and earlier)!Clean, mobile-inspired interface - pinch-to-zoom for ease and convenience!Forward and backward onion-skinning for precise animating!An undo/redo system, don't worry about fat-finger mistakes!Export to GIF or MP4 for your Youtube channel!*More stuff I'm forgetting...* Please note, sounds and MP4-export are for PRO users only.LanuagesEnglishEspanolFrancaisPortuguesTurkceStick Nodes has a thriving community where animators have a good time, help each other out, show off their work, and even create stickfigures for others to use! There are thousands of stickfigures (and more added daily!) over at the main website up "stick nodes" in YouTube to see just a few of the thousands of animations users have made with this stickfigure animation app! If you're looking for an animation creator or an animation maker app, this is it!Stay UpdatedNew updates have been never-ending for Stick Nodes since it's original 2014 release. Keep up-to-date with the latest news and updates about your favorite stick figure animation app and join in with the community!Website: http://sticknodes.comFacebook: Nodes is *the best* simple animation app available on the Android and iOS market! It's a great tool for learning animation, even in a school setting for students or newbies. At the same time, Stick Nodes is robust enough and powerful enough for even the most skilled animator to really showcase their skills!Thank you for trying out Stick Nodes! Leave any questions/comments below or on the main Stick Nodes website! Common questions are already answered on the FAQ page here
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