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Planter - Garden Planner

Planter - Garden Planner

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Developer's DescriptionBy Percula CreativeArrange your garden and learn how to grow vegetables with this garden planner.Arrange your garden and learn how to grow vegetables with this garden planner. Features: Determine which plants are compatible or combative. Know when to plant or transplant them in your garden. Determine correct plant spacing. Information on 50+ fruits and vegetables (and more each day.). Ability to add custom plants if your favorite isn't included yetPlanter makes gardening easier for both beginners and long-time gardeners. Support and Feature RequestsNew features are coming every week to improve the experience and help you plan and manage your garden. If you have any feature requests, please let me know. Or if you have a favorite plant that isn't included, I can add it. I'm a gardening enthusiast and use Planter when planning my own garden. If you think a new feature will be useful, chances are I do too =). Keywords: Garden planner, organic gardening, garden design, home garden, square foot gardening, vegetable garden, gardening, frost date, and planting zone.
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