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Animal Sounds for Kids free

Animal Sounds for Kids free

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Developer's DescriptionBy Mahaan AppsAnimal sounds for kids is a free learning app with all animal noises.Animal sounds for kids is a free learning app with all animal noises. its a animal sound game for toddlers and kids. Kids can learn sounds of animals and recognize them with their sounds. Not only kids but adults also can enjoy the sounds of wild animals. This app contains all different animal sounds like,farm animal sounds,wild animal sounds,zoo animal sounds and domestic animal sounds. Animal sounds kids game free and only supported by ads. Their is not any content in this app which is harmful for children. This Animal sound kids game is designed for children. Animal soundboard with animal names and images is very helpful for kids to learn animal sounds with animal names. This game contain original animal sounds, jungle animal sounds, animal sounds tones, animal sound identifier, animal sound ringtones,animal sounds with pictures and animal sound wallpaper.Soon we are going to add all rare animal sounds for kids learning.App content:Apes gibber soundsBats screech soundBears growl soundBees hum and buzz soundBirds chirrup, chirp, twitter, tweet, sing, whistle soundsCalves bleat soundsCamels grunt soundCats mew, purr, meow, hiss, yowl soundCattle moo, low, bawl (calf), bellow (bull) soundsChicks cheep soundsChickens cluck, cackle soundsCocks crow soundsCows low, moo soundsCrickets chirp, creak soundsCrows caw soundDeer bell soundDogs bark soundDolphins click soundDonkeys bray soundDoves coo soundsDucks quack soundEagles scream soundElephants trumpet, roar soundsFlies buzz, hum soundsFoxes bark, yelp, simper soundsFrogs croak soundsGiraffes bleat soundGoats bleat soundGeese cackle, quack soundsHamsters squeak soundHares squeak soundHens cackle, cluck soundHumans whisper, whistle, cry, scream, sing, talkHogs grunt soundHorses neigh, snort, whinny, nicker soundsHummingbirds hum soundHyenas laugh, scream soundsJackals howl soundsKangaroos chortle soundKoalas scream, bellow, wail soundsLambs bleat soundsLarks sing, warble soundsLions roar, growl soundsMice squeak and squeal soundsMonkeys chatter, gibber, whoop, screech soundsMosquitoes whine soundsNightingales pipe, sing, warble soundsOstriches chirp, bark, hiss, low hum soundsOwls hoot, scream, screech, shriek soundsOxen bellow, low soundsParrots talk, screech, squawk soundsPeacocks scream soundsPigs snort, grunt, squeal, oink soundsPigeons coo soundRabbits squeak, drum soundsRats squeak soundRavens croak soundRhinoceros bellow soundRooster crow soundSeagulls scream, squawk soundsSeals bark soundSheep bleat soundSnakes hiss soundTigers growl, roar soundTurkeys gobble soundVultures scream soundWhales sing soundWolves howl, cry, yell soundsZebras whinny soundetc.
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