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Black & White Saree Face Changer

Black & White Saree Face Changer

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Developer's DescriptionBy Niche Systems 22Color plays an important role while choosing a saree.Color plays an important role while choosing a saree. Often times, a saree is chosen based on the color of the mood we wish to portray that day.Black: Black is an all-time favorite that represents power. Acting as a representation of elegance and versatility, this color can easily sail in all functions. Black color sarees are evergreen and they look great for evening wear. Black was considered the color of grief and sadness in the past days but at present, black is the most preferred color for evening parties. If you are going for a promotion at work or interviewing for a new job, you might want to wear a black saree. The color black signifies power, sincerity and responsibility. Outside the office, black is also a color that gives you some chic edge.White: White is associated with peace, simplicity and purity. White represents cleansing and new beginnings. Wearing white will help reduce any pesky feelings of disappointment. Putting on a white blouse feels like being given an opportunity to start the day with a clean slate. Draping a white saree can offer a fresh and bright outlook. White color saree looks great for day wear functions and festivals. You can pair up the white saree with a dark shade blouse to make heads turn.Black & White colors have meanings that influence our thoughts and decisions. They have symbolic meaning that changes with different cultures and countries. The first essential decision of the day frequently comes in the morning when deciding which Saree to wear. The colors of Saree we choose to surround ourselves with affect us more than we think. The traditional garment worn by the Indian women is the saree.This App has large collection of Black & White SareesSelect a Saree, select your photo from gallery, adjust your face and save. Done!This app received immense response from all the Cross Sections of Community.This app also doubles up as face changer, face swap, dress up app keep updating for more Saree and fun!
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