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All AC Error Codes

All AC Error Codes

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Developer's DescriptionBy shailendra singh shekhawatThe reason behind this app is to solve problems which we face while attending AC breakdown calls and service as an AC Technician...The reason behind this app is to solve problems which we face while attending AC breakdown calls and service as an AC TechnicianBelow furnished is the List of Sections and its Functions which is maintained categorically in our AppAC Error Code:Do you remember all AC error Codes? Of course not unless you are a machine. It is not possible to remember all Ac Error codes of all brands. Few of us carry error codes in paper format or soft copy with them while working on calls which is also not an easy task since you need to maintain and carry the same everywhere. Here we provides the solutions, this app has arranged all known companies maximum available error codes for various models systematically. This will help you to find out problems in AC accurately & with in no time.Wiring Diagrams:Do you remember important Wiring Diagrams? We do remember.As we recollect when we started as a AC technician, it was difficult to remember wiring diagram of various appliances & we always required some reference materials. And the situations remains the same due to ever increasing technologies. Here we comes up with a solution for all new Ac technicians, we tried to provide various important wiring diagrams in this Apps Wiring Diagram Section for your easy reference.Questions & Answers:In this section you can ask any question related to HVAC and also you can give answer of asked questions by other technicians. This will help us to grow together and achieve excellence in HVAC fieldPT Chart:This section will provide you various refrigerant pressure and temperature chart required while gas charging. It has Temperature units ferhanite and Celsius with pressure units PSI & KPAAir Conditioning Formula:It Contain a PDF file which have various formulas which will defiantly worth for AC techniciansRefrigerant pressure:This is an important section particularly for new comers in HVAC field. This section contains various refrigerant pressures like suction discharge and standing pressure.AC Notes:In this section we have provided important notes for AC Technicians for examples capillary change data , HVAC important acronyms and Refrigerant details which will help technicians to increase their theoretical knowledge . Many more notes will be updated from time to timeService Reminder:This section is important for those technicians who handle independent jobs. Here we explain how? When we do service, customers ask us to come for service again after 3 or 4 month but we generally forget to remember the service dates and sometimes this results in breakdown of machines and displeasures from customers. Unfortunately, this decreases the level of satisfaction of our precious customers in spite of all hard work. Here we also provide a way out. In this section you can set a reminder for service of valuable customer and select months as required. This app will send you a notification on due date of service of that particular customer so you can arrange your calls accordingly. You can also add notes in the particular service reminder for example last service type, amount charged , required spares in next service & various other things as you think fit.Compressor Catalogue:In this section we have provided many compressor manuals. This will help you to find out various company compressor capacity, specifications and required type of accessories. This also contains various compressor cross references. With use of this function you can also select and compare another company compressor with same or near by specification.
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