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Editors' staffAugust 26, 2013Fatify quickly and effectively makes your face look chubbier, but it loses its appeal after you've seen it work. There's not enough variance between what it does to photos to keep using it on multiple pictures. However, if you want a quick, somewhat mean, laugh, you'll probably like this app.Fatify lets you make any picture "fatter." You can use any head-on picture already on your phone or take a picture right from inside of the app. If you choose to take a picture using this app, it tells you exactly where you should frame your face to create the best picture, which is quite handy. Once you have the picture, it lets you place the eye and mouth markers wherever you need them to be, but it's usually good at finding your mouth and eyes. The app works its magic in about a second and lets you make your new face talk and blink so you can take a look at what it would look like if you suddenly gained weight. Once you have the picture, you can share it to any social network you like, but there's not much else you can do with it. The app has a paid version that lets you "make yourself even fatter," but it doesn't give you any examples of what that means.If you could do more with the picture this app gives you, it might be more amusing. As it is, Fatify will give folks a quick laugh or two at their own (or a friend's) expense. If you don't mind it taking up a little space on your phone for that, give it a whirl.
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