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Fwitter - Flutter Based Twitter Clone

Fwitter - Flutter Based Twitter Clone

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Developer's DescriptionBy TheAlphamercFwitter is a open sourceTwitter clone built in flutter.Fwitter is a open sourceTwitter clone built in flutter.Project source code link :- you found a bug or want to suggest a feature report it here:- features :-#### Login-Signup* User can create an account using email and password.* User can log in using email, password or simply do login using google authentication.* User can send reset password link to his email from forgot password page.* Firebase auth implementation.#### Tweet* User can view Tweets on his home timeline.* Only Tweets from the following user can be shown on home page timeline.* Blue tick shows after verified user's name.* User is displayed username, profile pic, and timestamp on Tweet.* User can tap Tweet to view Tweet detail and comments Tweet..* On user profile click from tweet user is redirected to user's profile page.* User can like or unlike by clicking on the heart icon.* On comment icon tapped user is redirected to reply Tweet page.* On Tweet image clicked user is redirected to image view page.* On long press Tweet description is copied to clipboard.* User can comment on any Tweet. Commented Tweet is itself a tweet.* User can comment on the comment itself. This makes nested Tweet thread.* User can retweet any Tweet with comment.* Tweet is updated in realtime if someone likes or comment on the Tweet.* User can click a link within tweet body. It will launch the browser with relative link.* User can "reply" to tweet by tapping on comment Icon.* User that wrote the original tweet is automatically "@" replied in compose.* User can share Tweet on other social apps by tapping on the share icon.* Increase retweet count of the original tweet when someone retweet the user's Tweet.* Decrease retweet count of the original tweet when retweet is deleted.#### Compose a Tweet* User can compose and post a Tweet.* On compose Tweet icon clicked user is redirected to compose Tweet page.* Users can add an image to Tweet from the camera or phone gallery.* User can see a counter with total number of characters left for tweet while composing Tweet.* User can add `Hash Tags` and `URLs` which will highlighted in Tweet once Tweet is posted.* User can be redirected back to home timeline page after posting Tweet.* Newly created Tweet will be inserted on the timeline Tweets list. No need to pull refresh.#### Profile view* Profile view indicates the user's timeline.* User can click on any user's profile image to navigate his profile timeline.* User can view his profile by clicking on the profile button from the sidebar or by clicking on his profile image from his Tweets.* User can see picture, tagline, date of joining Twitter, follower, following count and his tweets.* User can edit his profile by clicking on `Edit Profile` button.* User can send messages to others by clicking on message icon on another's user profile.* User can compose tweets by tapping the compose icon on his profile page. Newly added tweets from his profile are automatically added to home timeline.* User can follow another user by tapping on `Follow` button on user's profile.* If the user tap on the `Follow` or `Following` button other user's follower count is updated in realtime.* Display only Tweets whose profile is opened.#### Notifications* Add notification if someone likes your Tweet.* Remove notification on unlike Tweet.* Update user count in the notification on like unlike.#### Chat screen* User can send text message.* Show previous chat with time.* Update chat in realtime.* Show user's list on New Message page* Add search field to search user by username* View chat users list* FAB button to select a user to send message* Add user to chat list page immediately if a user send message to logged in message* On tap user from list redirect user to chat screen
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