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Armoni Launcher (Supporter Edition) (3D ICONS)

Armoni Launcher (Supporter Edition) (3D ICONS)

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Developer's DescriptionBy designed4youYou can support development by purchasing this version. Support the developer by ordering a cup of coffee Turn your phone into an iphone.You can support development by purchasing this version. Support the developer by ordering a cup of coffeeTurn your phone into an iphone.Home Screen Widgets (With Auto Shape )3D Wallpaper EffectUnlock AnimationApp Launch AnimationHide Navigation ButtonsWidget PaneliOS Weather AppOriginal iOS IconsAI Icon GeneratorIcon Pack SupportLive Clock IconLive Calendar IconNotification BadgesHide AppsChange App NamesiOS Battery WidgetSiri Suggestions WidgetCalendar WidgetLunar Calendar WidgetContacts Widget3D TouchPhone WidgetDark and Light ModeBlurResize IconsArmoni Launcher is a new launcher for Android that mimics the look of the iOS launcher. So if you've ever wanted to theme your Android device to look and behave similarly to iOS, then the Armoni Launcher is an excellent place to start. The app supports Dark Mode as well as iOS icons, and there's even a weather app included that should look familiar to any seasoned iOS users.- [b]Android Police[/b]Supported languagesArmoni Control Center withfor you
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