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Anokha Launcher

Anokha Launcher

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Developer's DescriptionBy AnokhaSoftware Private LimitedAnokha Launcher is a lightweight and fast Launcher that allows you to customize all aspects of your phone.Anokha Launcher is a lightweight and fast Launcher that allows you to customize all aspects of your phone. You can add all your important contacts and apps directly into your Home screen with a simple drag and drop. You can also protect Apps, Contacts and Folders by setting access PIN for the specific App, Contact or Folder. Opening a protected App or Contact will require the PIN. You can also personalize the phone by having as many widgets as you want and have them open on demand by simple touch. For example, you can enable the calendar widget and have the calendar app in your Home screen. Any time you touch the calendar the widget will popup and show you the complete calendar that you can navigate.Here are some of the key features of Anokha LauncherCustomize your Home screen layout and Icon StyleYou can use the included Anokha settings app to personalize all aspects of your phone. You can set the screen grid layout by selecting the number of icons you want in one row. You can also set the icon style for different screens in your phone.Protect your important Apps, Contacts and FoldersYou will be able to set access PIN for apps, contacts, folders and groups from within the launcher. Once the PIN is set - users will have to type the PIN to be able to open the App, folder or access contact details. This feature will help you safeguard key information in your phone.Personalize your Home screenA horizontal scroll to the left will list all of your contact shortcuts in the same way as app icons. You can drag any important contacts directly into your Home screen and get to know the most recent information about them. You can get to know about any missed calls or unread SMSs from these contacts directly as contact notification badges. You will even know about any unread messages from popular messaging apps sent by to you by these contacts. This will help you be more productive and no miss any important information.Organize your ContactsA simple horizontal scroll left will take you to a dedicated contacts screen. Here you can add your contacts to your favorites by a simply drag and drop. The launcher syncs your contacts with the default contacts app so you see the same set of contact information in the launcher and the default Contacts App. In your Contacts screen, you will see all your unread SMSs and missed calls in a tabbed carousal.Organize and Manage Documents in your phoneOnce of the most common problems of a phone user is that media files and documents are downloaded into your phone directly by many messaging apps and it is hard to kept track of the storage consumption. Anokha Launcher solves this problem informing you about all recent images, videos, music and documents added to your phone as notification badges in the integrated My Stuff App. You can delete or rename these documents, move them to folders or share them directly from the app. This will reduce the clutter in your phone. You can also set wallpapers of these images from the My Stuff app itself.App Search HistoryOne of the unique features of this launcher is the fact that it remembers your app searches and shows you that information as soon as you navigate to the Home screen search bar. You can navigate to the app by simply select the app-name from the search history. This will enable you to launch the app faster.Small App Size and FastAnokha Launcher is optimized for Speed. At just under 4M, it consumes very less resources and you will notice the improved performance of your app and contact searches.
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