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Developer's DescriptionBy PhunktasticDesignsFactor-L Icon Pack from Phunktastic Designs.What you get: 1.990 HD icons (192x192) 9 HD wallpapers. Launchers support: Action, Adw, AdwEX, Apex, Atom, Aviate, GO, Next,Nova, Smart, Solo, Icon masking for unthemed icons Dynamic calendar Alternative icons to choose UpdatesSpecial thanks to the following artists who provided me their perfect wallpapers:Alexandre Lionnehttps://plus.google.com/u/1/+AlexandreLionne/postsAshish Patelhttps://plus.google.com/u/1/+AshishPatel98/postsTina Ellishttps://plus.google.com/u/1/114718250482520067426/postsFor GO LAUNCHER: Go to preferences > Icons > Uncheck "show icon base"************For 10.2 Tablets and above***********Please launch the application in Portrait mode!!!Content rating: Everyone