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Developer's DescriptionBy bobstuffOpensource digital style clock widget. Based around the Cowon D3 clock.Opensource digital style clock widget. Based around the Cowon D3 clock.Features:- customise colours- change date format- defaults to phones locale- launch your clock application from the widget- change the size of the date- 12hr and 24hr modes- lowercase and uppercase modesIf you don't like the update you can find the original 1.0 version here - http://bobstuff.org/media/BobClockD3-original.apkFollow the original thread on XDA forums -http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=892404Get the source from - https://github.com/bobthekingofegypt/BobClockD3If you have problems with the widget please contact me at the support email, I will try and help the best I can.Recent changes:Fixed the issue where the clock stops updating when you add multiple instances and remove one. Thanks to Daniel for helping to debug this!Added about section to configuration screen.Content rating: Everyone