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Kisses Live Wallpaper

Kisses Live Wallpaper

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Developer's DescriptionBy PinkmobileAppsGet "smooch-smooch" marks all over your phone screen.Get "smooch-smooch" marks all over your phone screen with Kisses Live Wallpaper. Choose the background color you like the most and enjoy your new favorite wallpaper with kisses and lips. Perfect girly live wallpaper for Android. Interactive background-Tap anywhere on the screen and new kisses will appear. Full support for landscape mode and home-screen switching.Enjoy this lovely, free and useful live wallpaper.Installation instructions:Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers.A kiss is the act of pressing one's lips against the lips or other body parts of another person or of an object. Cultural connotations of kissing vary widely. Depending on the culture and context, a kiss can express sentiments of love, affection, respect, greeting, friendship and good luck, among many others. In some situations a kiss is a ritual, formal or symbolic gesture indicating devotion, respect or greeting, as in the case of spouses kissing at the conclusion of a wedding ceremony or national leaders kissing each other in greeting, and in many other situations.Depending on the culture, relationship and context, a person may kiss another on their lips, cheek, head, hand and each of these gestures may carry a different social significance.The word came from Old English cyssan ('to kiss'), in turn from coss ('a kiss').Kissing on another person's lips has become a common expression of affection among many cultures worldwide. Yet in certain cultures, kissing was introduced only through European settlement; prior to this, kissing was not a routine occurrence. Examples of this include certain indigenous peoples of Australia, the Tahitians, and many tribes in Africa.Kissing on the lips is a physical expression of affection or love between two people, in which the sensations of touch, taste, and smell are involved. According to psychologist Menachem Brayer, although many 'mammals, birds, and insects exchange caresses' which appear to be kisses of affection (e.g. lovebirds), they are not kisses as humans consider them.A French kiss is a kiss in which one or both participants' tongues touch the partner's lips or tongue, usually entering his or her mouth. A French kiss is a slow kiss which is usually considered intimate, romantic. In many parts of the world, this kind of kissing as a public display of affection is discouraged and may even be regarded as taboo. A French kiss is often used in films.
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