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Developer's DescriptionBy Ger PGAs of June 2018, Weather Underground no longer allows the use of its API free of charge.### As of June 2018, Weather Underground no longer allows the use of its API free of charge. Buy this app only if you have purchased an API key or wait until the app gets updated with a different weather data provider. ###Warning! This is not a standalone app. You need KLWP (with pro key) installed on your phone.Get the hourly and daily temperature and precipitation forecast of your current location right on your home screen with these weather komponents for Kustom Live Wallpaper (KLWP). Customise your meteograms with the implemented global variables to fit your style.The information you get in the hourly meteogram is:- Hourly temperature (the hours are in the horizontal axis and the temperatures in the vertical one).- Hourly precipitation (the height of the columns is proportional to the amount of precipitation: each horizontal division corresponds to the number of millimetres shown in the header above the grid).- Maximum and minimum temperatures of the next 24 h.- Sunset and sunrise times.- Current location and temperature.Find out more about meteograms: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MeteogramKustom Gallery community: https://plus.google.com/communities/105800766530390603634Kustom Official community: https://plus.google.com/communities/108126179043581889611All the weather data used in the meteogram is obtained from Weather Underground (wunderground.com).Leave a good rating if you like the komponents and, if you don't like it, let me know how I can improve and I'll positively do my best.Get in touch with me if you need help setting up the komponent, customising it or using it.Enjoy!NOTE: you can edit the location of the hourly meteogram in the "location" global variable. The acceptable formats are: US state/city (CA/San_Francisco), US zip code (60290), country/city (Australia/Sydney) or latitude,longitude (43.6,1.6). Be careful: the more the location changes, the more API calls you will make, so avoid using GPS coordinates with lots of decimals that might change frequently and round them instead.