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Developer's DescriptionBy SOOONNOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2/S3 NO TIZEN COMPATIBILITY...NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2/S3 NO TIZEN COMPATIBILITYNot compatible on Sony Smartwatch 3Toggle Watch Face. Your personnal dialToggle Watch Face, a minimal digital watch face designed to fit your needs.Premium version offers up to 4 fully customizable complications, 11 selected colors and 2 ambient modes.One way or the other ! Choose your favourite time display !Easy to set, you can change the complications as often as you want, to fit your daily needs.With its contemporary design, this watch face focuses on personalization and readability.Premium features and settingsUp to 4 fully customizable complications11 selected colors2 ambient modesLayout optionsInteractive complicationsSupport third party complicationsFree features and settingsTime (Hours Minutes Seconds)SpecificationsOptimized for low battery consumptionDeveloped for Wear 2.0NOT FOR SAMSUNG GEAR S2/S3 NO TIZEN COMPATIBILITYNo adsInstallationWear OS 2.0 from your smartwatch1. Open the playstore app via your wear device2. Download and install the watch face3. Long press and swipe right to add more watch faces4. Select your new watch face5. Start designing your dialWear 2.0 from your phone1. Open the playstore app via your phone2. Make sure phone is connected to your wear device3. Download and install the watch face on your phone4. Within seconds/minutes the watch face will appear on your wear device5. Customize your watch and enjoy !Should you experience any problem please contact us instead of smashing us.We will get in touch with you asap.