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Developer's DescriptionBy Privacy GeeksCalculator Photo Vault is ordinary calculator that works like any other.Calculator Photo Vault is ordinary calculator that works like any other. But when you enter secret passcode it turns into PRIVATE STORAGE app which you can hide photos, videos, notes.Really want secret locker for your personal files in your phone? you can not skip this app. Keep safe gallery and No need to worry when giving your smart phone to friends and family when Smart Calculator Plus app installed in your phone.Top Features:Vault: Hide photos, hide videos and hide any other types of files, the hidden files are all encrypted.Note: Add private notes safely.Browser: An inbuilt private browser for your safe browsing of private websites and downloading of photos from web and lock instantly inside photo vault and leaves no tracks in your system.Shake Close: Shake your phone to close the app in a hurry.Intruder Selfie: Automatically takes Intruder selfie when someone tries to break in your privacy by entering wrong password.Fake Vault: Create Fake vault with different password for storing fake photos and videos.Trash Recovery: Retrieves photos youve mistakenly deleted.Colorful Theme: Choose a theme for your Calculator Photo Vault.------------------------------ FAQ ------------------------------How to open?Enter your password and press '=' button to open.What can I do if I forgot my password?In case you forget your password, simply enter a number '11223344' into Calculator and press '=' button, then retrieve your password by entering answer of your security question.How to restore encrypted file?Long press on the encrypted file will enter the edit mode, you can restore it by using the restore button in the action bar.Are my hidden files stored online?Your files are stored only on your device, so please make sure to backup all your hidden files before transferring to new device or factory reset.Change password?Please go to the app's "Settings > Safe > Lock Type" to change the unlock password.More FAQ: http://t.cn/EGakpdVNeed Help?Feel free to mail us at: hiraton19@gmail.comcalculator vault, best secret folder, hide pictures, hide photos, photo vault, photo hider, fake calculator, spy calculator, picture hider, secret vault, picture vault, picture safe, photo safe, keep safe, lock box, kyms, calculator photo, secret photo album, calculator plus, private calculator, spycalc, secret calculator, calculator hider, hidden calculator, hicalculator, hidden photo vault, video vault, hide photos calculator, photo vault calculater, secret app, private photo vault, hidden pictures, file vault, gallery vault