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Developer's DescriptionBy Cool World4K Live Wallpaper Studio is an application that allows your mobile phone to have high-definition dynamic cool wallpapers.4K Live Wallpaper Studio is an application that allows your mobile phone to have high-definition dynamic cool wallpapers. You can find a variety of high-quality HD video wallpapers and static wallpapers in the app to make your desktop even more cool~There are massive HD video wallpapers, HD still wallpapers and many live wallpaper albums to make you more accurate to find your favorite video wallpapers or static wallpapers, so you can beautify your desktop wallpaper and lock screen wallpaper. Cool and cool~< hd="" video="" wallpaper="" live="" wallpaper="">Massive HD high quality 4K video wallpapers and live wallpapers let you choose your own coolest wallpapers for your own live wallpaper.< hd="" still="" wallpaper="">If video wallpapers and live wallpapers can't meet your needs, there are a lot of 4K static wallpapers to choose from, guaranteeing high-quality ultra-clear resources, absolutely making your phone cool!< personalized="" album="">Customize your own personalized albums, including all the unified styles or your favorite HD video wallpapers and live wallpapers, and of course still wallpapers. Release the album so that everyone can see your outstanding achievements and works and enter your exclusive field.We offer a wide range of classifications to make you more accurate and faster to find the HD video wallpaper/live wallpaper resources you want, including the following categories:Space, cartoon, hipster beauty, cute animals, cool movies, world of sports, art design, nature scenery, technology cars, latest gamesFour colorful themes to beautify your app, choose the colorful theme that best matches your style: foggy forest, deep blue sea, pink dream, winter sky< favorites,="" like="" sharing="">Fast and efficient, collect your favorite HD video wallpaper / live wallpaper, one-click share to download HD video wallpaper / live wallpaper to your friends< set="" live="" wallpaper="">You can easily set up static wallpapers and video wallpapers/live wallpapers without having to open the album to find settings.