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Hyperdrive for KLWP

Hyperdrive for KLWP

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Developer's DescriptionBy ValleyDesignsNeed KLWP Pro to use...Need KLWP Pro to useRecommended with Nova LauncherHyperdrive is Space themed 5 page setup (Media,Weather,Events,Phone Stats, Settings)Supports any screen size (Size and element heights are configurable in Globals sections)Setup:-Make sure to have 5 pages on your homescreen.-For ease of use and smoother animations, it is recommended that Nova launcher Gestures be implemented with this theme to better navigate the pop up widgets (See video for demonstration). To do this... Nova Settings > Gestures and Inputs > Swipe up > Shortcuts (far right) > KLWP Actions > In Global Name input "misc" without quotations and 1 in Global Value. For Swipe down gestures do the same thing but enter 0 in Global Value.To change App icons head to globals section and pick images for globals App1icon through Appicon4To get apps to launch your desired app go to SHORTCUTS (rightmost section)Features:-Versions for 18.5:9 18:9 16:9 & 19.5:9 aspect ratios-Setup to use for both Lockscreen and HomescreenCustomizable Toggles in the theme itself:-Darkmode-Clock Seconds-Enable/Disable Next up track-Enable/Disable Album art-Background Album art behaviour-Enable/Disable Album Glowing animation-Enable/Disable stars and other Effects-Beautiful sleek animations-Bottom App row for 6 apps-Top row for 4 media Apps-Media controls-Next up track (if supported by player)-Podcast/Audiobook controls-Live battery levels-5 Day Weather forecast-5 Recent Calendar events-Phone Stats page CPU,RAM,STORAGE, BATTERY EMPERATURE,DAILY/MONTHLY DATA (with adjustable billing cycle)-Settings page-Lockscreen MessageVirtually all elements in this KLWP file are editable in the globals section. This includes element sizes and heights to fit any screen size. Handy if you have a navigation bar as well.Customizations in GLOBALS SECTION include:-Font-Background (Blur & Dim)-Height & Size for most elements-Changing transparency/opacity-Lockscreen message-Foreground color (for Regular mode and Darkmode)-Change Album art Color extractor values-Podcast/Audiobook list with global "Pod App" (Update with your favorite podcast app to alter theme behaviour when playing)-Animation time-Star animation speeds-Your daily cell data limit (to track percentage use on the Phone Stats page)If you have any questions or requests for features please email me at pat.vallee1@gmail.comAlso if you are in need of an unlocked file e-mail with your proof of purchase by sending your google play order #. Please specify your screen size as well.
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