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Developer's DescriptionBy Alfonso PrezThis is not a standalone application. Neo Pack widgets require the KWGT PRO application (not the free version of this application).This is not a standalone application. Neo Pack widgets require the KWGT PRO application (not the free version of this application).What do you need:- Aplicacin KWGT PROKWGT https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widgetPro clave https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.kustom.widget.proA customizable launcher preferably Nova LauncherHow to install:- Download the application Neo KWGT pack and KWGT PRO- Press and hold the home screen and select the Widget- Choose Widget KWGT- Touch the widget and choose Neo KWGT pack installed.- Choose the widget you like.- Enjoy!Any questions, consult please send an email or Hangouts.