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Developer's DescriptionBy Alrbea Ent.ONLY FOR ANDROID SYSTEM WATCHES.ONLY FOR ANDROID SYSTEM WATCHES. THIS IS GOOGLE PLAY STORE IF YOUR WATCH DOES NOT HAS GOOGLE PLAY APP THEN IT IS NOT RUNNING ANDROID SYSTEM AND THIS APP WILL NOT WORKAnimated Edge Lighting for watches , The First & Only Edge Lighting App for watches!Supports rounded, square and chin rounded screensAOE Wear is to:1- Light for 10s on every minute tick2- Light after turning screen On for a specific period or always while screen is On.3- Light after turning screen Off for a specific period or always while screen is Off. (works on Ambient mode)4- Light after receiving a notification for a specific period for each single app or always.5- Light at all above cases.it is similar to the mobile edge lighting but this on is for watchesAOE supports rounded, rounded chin and square watches.this app is not a clock face nor contains faces you will keep your watch as it is just an edges of lights around it.They see me lighting They hatin!Light your Smart Watch edges when you receive a notification, or at any time.The first and only app to make edge lighting for Wear OS.this require a watch with Android Wear OS 2.0you can select custom colors and lighting time for each installed appyou can control colors, thickness, speed and lighting animation style from the mobile app that control the watch effectsplease email me for any issue or even for feature request