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Panama Flag Wallpaper

Panama Flag Wallpaper

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Developer's DescriptionBy HD FlagsAttractive "Panama Flag Wallpapers" HD for all citizens of Panama. - Cool Latest Panama Flag Wallpapers Graphics 3D Illustrations - Popular Top...Attractive "Panama Flag Wallpapers" HD for all citizens of Panama! - Cool Latest Panama Flag Wallpapers Graphics 3D Illustrations - Popular Top "Panama Pictures" Photography Free Download! Panama, Panama Flag, Panama Flag Wallpaper, Panama Flag Wallpapers, Panama Images, Flag of Panama, Panama Pictures.Panam es un pas ubicado en el sureste de Amrica Central. Su nombre oficial es Repblica de Panam y su capital es Ciudad de Panam.12 Limita al norte con el mar Caribe, al sur con el ocano Pacfico, al este con Colombia y al oeste con Costa Rica. Tiene una extensin de 75 420 km.1 Localizado en el istmo de mismo nombre, franja que une a Amrica del Sur con Amrica Central, su territorio montaoso solamente es interrumpido por la cuenca del Canal de Panam, la va interocenica que une al ocano Atlntico con el ocano Pacfico. Su condicin de pas de trnsito lo convirti tempranamente en un punto de encuentro de culturas provenientes de todo el mundo. El pas es el escenario geogrfico del canal, obra que facilita la comunicacin entre las costas de los ocanos Atlntico y Pacfico y que influye significativamente en el comercio mundial. Su poblacin actual en 2019 es de 4 567 310 personas.Panama (Spanish: Panam), officially the Republic of Panama (Spanish: Repblica de Panam), is a country in Central America,[8] bordered by Costa Rica to the west, Colombia to the southeast, the Caribbean Sea to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the south. The capital and largest city is Panama City, whose metropolitan area is home to nearly half the country's 4 million people.[3]Panama was inhabited by indigenous tribes before Spanish colonists arrived in the 16th century. It broke away from Spain in 1821 and joined the Republic of Gran Colombia, a union of Nueva Granada, Ecuador, and Venezuela. After Gran Colombia dissolved in 1831, Panama and Nueva Granada eventually became the Republic of Colombia. With the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, allowing the construction of the Panama Canal to be completed by the US Army Corps of Engineersbetween 1904 and 1914. The 1977 TorrijosCarter Treaties led to the transfer of the Canal from the United States to Panama on December 31, 1999.[9]This app has a feature to mark any wallpaper as favorite with the Panama Flag Wallpaper. You can even select to view or browse through these wallpapers using the Slideshow feature on the Panama Flag Wallpapers app. We are sure that this app is better than Panama Flag Live Wallpaper app.Pleasant Features of "Panama Flag Wallpaper" Application:- Very user friendly and easy to navigate.- Enjoy best images of Panama, and Panama Flag collection.- Optimized battery usage!- Compatible with 99% of mobile phones and devices.- Supports all screen resolutions and devices (including tablets).- Set your favorite pictures as wallpapers or save them to Favorite.- Share your favorite Panama Wallpaper pictures to your friends and family to Instagram, Picasa, Photos, and Windows.All these features are available for free.HD Flags Team is nonstop working hard on making this app better-quality and more valued for you. Please feel free to email us for any queries/suggestions /problems. If you have liked any feature of this app, do not forget to rate us on play store.
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