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Developer's DescriptionBy CoolToolThe Emirate of Dubai is the second largest of the seven United Arab Emirates.The Emirate of Dubai is the second largest of the seven United Arab Emirates.Dubai's dynamics are always transient and ever-changing with its constant urgeto construct something better and bigger than the previous. Burj Al Arab seemedtoo timid when Burj Khalifa cropped up, distancing itself to being a loner in the crowd.Dubai constantly dwells in a suppressive competition with itself trying tomagnetize tourists to a dreamy world of attractions and unheard of luxuries.The emirate's scoring points lie in its entrepreneurial abilities to create theinconceivable found in its tourist attractions, landmarks, shopping centres, parks,nightlife and hotels.A newbie tourist to Dubai can get confused as it offers an exciting abundance ofattractions, activities, exhibitions, shopping and nightlife.So basically in this application you will find some selective numbers of beautifuland attractive wallpapers of Dubai City. As all the wallpapers are high qualitywallpapers, so you don't need to worry about the collection of pictures. All thewallpapers will make your device screen look delightful and enchanting. Then don'twaste your time and download this wallpaper application.Features of Dubai wallpaper HD :# HD and high definition wallpaper application.# It is totally free.# Very easy to use the app.# Very simple application.# Doesn't require Internet connection once you download it.# Consumes very low battery.# Please share the app link with your friends through social media.Thank You.