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Developer's DescriptionBy lwcrbehold live wallpapers diamonds on your android screen.behold live wallpapers diamonds on your android screen. get this live wallpapers diamond and diamond jewellery now. a dazzle diamond is one of the best-known and most sought after gemstones and mineral. diamonds have been known to mankind and used as decorative items since ancient times; some of the earliest references can be traced to india. the hardness of diamond and its high dispersion of light giving the diamond its characteristic fire make it useful for industrial applications and desirable as jewelry. catch diamond, jewelry or carbon. diamonds are such a highly traded commodity that multiple organizations have been created for grading and certifying them based on the four cs, which are carat, cut, color, and clarity. other characteristics, such as presence or lack of fluorescence, also affect the desirability and thus the value of a diamond used for jewelry. see this brooches and blood jewels picture.perhaps the most famous use of the diamond in jewelry is in engagement rings, which became popular in the early to mid 20th century due to an advertising campaign by the de beers company, though magic diamond rings have been used to symbolize engagements since at least the 15th century. gemstones, sparkly, gems, carat, shine. the diamond's high value has also been the driving force behind dictators and revolutionary entities, especially in africa, using slave and child labor to mine blood diamonds to fund conflicts. this app is indeed diamonds live wallpaper and diamond wallpaper free. diamonds have been in ancient and recent times symbolic of different things in different cultures the world over. the history of diamonds is one of mystical power, beauty and commercial expertise. the earliest symbolic use of diamonds was as the eyes of hindu devotional statues. retina wallpapers. the diamonds themselves were thought to be endowments from the gods and were therefore cherished. the greeks believed diamonds were tears of the gods; the romans believed they were splinters of fallen stars and that they brought courage and bravery during battle. today, diamonds are used to symbolize eternity and love, being often seen adorning engagement rings.features:hd graphic 720pcool animation