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Developer's DescriptionBy Jordan X 'Jobe1785'This is not a stand alone app. It is a preset for KLWP Live Wallpaper Pro Key...***This is not a stand alone app. It is a preset for KLWP Live Wallpaper Pro Key***First you need to download these apps:-Nova Launcher Pro-KLWP Pro KeyThen:-In nova select 2 pages, toggle on wallpaper scrolling, and hide dock (if you don't have 2 pages it won't work properly)-In KLWP go to menu, load preset, and under 'Installed' choose TransitionHome, or click on the TransitionHome app in your app drawer.-Set KLWP to 2 pages-Click on the Globals tab, click next to 'Name' and type in your name. Then, click next to 'ProfileP' where it's says pick image, and choose a profile picture.-Open the menu, and select 'Set as wallpaper', and click apply-Press the save button, exit the app, and enjoy!-When using the preset, you can press on the settings icon in the categories page, go from light to dark mode, toggle the navigation bar (if you have on screen nav buttons), choose colored Nav Bar, and change the wallpaper and color combination.-When using the preset you can also press on the profile picture to access your social apps.-To access your app drawer, go to Nova Settings, then Gestures & Inputs, an for the swipe up gesture select App Drawer. Now you just swipe up on your screen and the app drawer will show up.Easliy change the colors, images, and fonts under 'Globals', and easily change the hotspots for the apps under 'Shortcuts' when you open the KLWP app.If you have any questions please email me. I will answer you quickly. Thanks!