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Developer's DescriptionBy G7altFretBuzz is an application for practicing scales and arpeggios on guitar or bass guitar.FretBuzz is an application for practicing scales and arpeggios on guitar or bass guitar.It uses CAGED system, a system that is widely used by guitar players.It has support for left handed players.It is support for six string guitar and bass guitar.It covers the below scales and arpeggios;TriadsSeventh and Sixth ChordsPentatonic ScalesBlues ScalesMajor Scale ModesMelodic Minor Scale ModesHarmonic Minor Scale ModesBebop ScalesDiminished ScalesWhole Tone ScalesThe app is focused on CAGED system and learning individual "shapes" for all the above listed arpeggios and scales. Once this is accomplished you can start to play any arpeggio/scale in all available positions on the fretboard. Rather than providing big 22/24 fret charts in the app, individual C, A, G, E, D boxes are provided as separate entities - because when you learn the individual "shapes" you will already know the entire fretboard for any given arpeggio/scale.
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