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S3copy Amazon S3 Command Line Copy

S3copy Amazon S3 Command Line Copy

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Developer's DescriptionBy MobilApp.nuCopy any file to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) using Windows command line/DOS-prompt.S3copy is a simple tool to copy a file to Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service). Amazon S3 has many uses, one great way to use it is as a cheap off site backup for your PC or servers (I pay less than $1 per month for my backup storage there)You can easily automate your backups using a simple bat or cmd file and S3copy. S3copy is a very simple copy routine, you can only copy one file at a time, no wild cards etc. I will probably extend it in the future, for example a delete routine so I can also automate deleting old backups. Syntax: s3copy Localpath Bucket Filename AccessKeyId SecretAccessKey. Example: s3copy.exe c:\backup\ mybackupbucket backup.rar MyAccessKeyId MySecretAccessKey. It's a single exe file. No need to install anything. Feel free to use it if you like.
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