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Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Software Development Kit

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Software Development Kit

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Developer's DescriptionBy MicrosoftExplore server-side code, custom business logic, integration modules, and workflow assemblies for developers.The Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 Software Development Kit (SDK) is for developers, system customizers, and report writers. This SDK documentation contains information for developers writing server side code, custom business logic, integration modules, workflow assemblies, and plug-ins. It provides an architectural overview of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, the entity model, security model, and Web services. Sample code and walkthroughs are provided to guide you through the new features. It also contains information for developers customizing the Web client or Microsoft Dynamics CRM for Microsoft Office Outlook, including scripting, integration of custom Web pages, sample code, and a detailed user interface style guide. This includes the new Advanced Developer Extensions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM, also referred to as Microsoft xRM. This is a new set of tools included in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK that simplifies the development of Internet-enabled applications that interact with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.In addition to the documentation, this download package includes the projects for all sample code found in the documentation, and full featured samples that are not included in the documentation. The package includes a visual style guide you can use to make your customizations fit in smoothly, and a style sheet you can use as a basis for your work. There are also tools and helper code provided in this package.
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