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Developer's DescriptionBy MyData SoftwareRead and modify the content of large binary files.TrueSight is a fast hex editor, designed from the ground up to be used on a Linux system, but ported to Windows as well.It is designed to be used as an editor for disk images, which are often multiple terabyte in size.The size limit for files opened in TrueSight is 18 exabytes (18 million terabytes). Since achieving this limit is not practical in many years to come, you can interpret it as no limit.FeaturesThe list of features for current version:- Support for DOS charset CP437 for old-school data inspection,- Copy and paste multiple-gigabyte regions in fractions of a second for TrueSight it doesnt matter if you want to copy few bytes or few terabytes,- Flexible user interface: you can view one file at a time, or multiple files at once with split-screen feature. See the screenshots page 1 or page 2 page for more information,- Support for multi-head display you can detach a file from the main window, create an external window, and move it to another monitor,- Synchronize cursor movements across different views you can scroll multiple files at once by moving the cursor in one view only. Other views will adjust automatically,- Bitmap fonts: on every supported platform, TrueSight looks exactly the same. No more problems with your font not supporting the CP437 charset,- ASCII-only view: to quickly inspect the contents of the binary file, similar to Total Commanders F3 viewer, or Dos Navigators F3 viewer,- Editable color themes: you can easily adjust the color theme used by TrueSight to your desktop,- Unlimited undo / redo,- Search for bytes or text strings across the whole binary,- Auto-update: be notified when a new version of TrueSight will be available for download,- Export as C code, Rust code, or even as a screenshot.- Calculate Shannon entropy from current visible block of data, to get fast feedback about the nature of data youre currently analyzing.
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