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CIL Disassembler  10

CIL Disassembler 10

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Developer's DescriptionBy William KentCIL Disassembler lets you view the disassembled MSIL bytecode inside every compiled.CIL Disassembler lets you view the disassembled MSIL bytecode inside every compiled. NET Framework application. Open any. EXE or. DLL file that contains compiled. NET code and this app will show you the code inside. This app supports programs written in C#, Visual Basic. NET, and F. It also supports some (but not all) programs written in Visual C++. It can also open Windows Metadata files used in UWP app development. CIL Disassembler does not decompile compiled assemblies into C#; instead, it displays the raw MSIL instructions run by the CLR. Simply open an EXE or DLL file when prompted, and CIL Disassembler will display a list of the classes within the file. Then, double-click an item in the list to view the disassembly.
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