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Developer's DescriptionBy AM PhotonicsGet a full-vectoral beam propagation simulator for optical waveguides.Full-vectoral (vectorial) wave-optics beam propagator for optical waveguides that solves for beams of horizontal and vertical polarizations. Create your own optical waveguide structure using the graphical user interface, define the input beam, define a waveguide length, then press one button to propagate the beam through the waveguide. See the output beam's irradiance distribution and the beam's profile as it propagates. You can also include gain in the waveguide to simulate fiber laser amplifiers. Optical waveguide structures include rib waveguides, step-index fiber waveguides, photonic crystal fiber waveguides, multi-core fibers, hexagonal segment fiber waveguides, tapered fibers, and graded-index fibers. Use advanced features like imaginary-z-axis propagation to find the fundamental mode and all the higher-order waveguide modes. Then use these modes as inputs. Use birefringence, gain, gain saturation, the reference index, propagation step size, propagation distance, or nonlinear index. You may also change the resolution for the calculations. Choose from several input beams that include Gaussian beam, calculated mode, a previously-saved optical field file, or use the current output as an input. Input beams can be polarized in the horizontal or vertical direction, or both (45 degree polarization). You may save your project files for laser use. This is also the companion software for the book: Introduction to Modeling and Simulation for Optical Waveguides.
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