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Makhaon PACS Workstation

Makhaon PACS Workstation

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Developer's DescriptionBy Makhaon SoftwareImprove the diagnostic capabilities of existing medical equipment and increase its capacity.It improves the diagnostic capabilities of the existing medical equipment and increases their capacity, creating additional working storage areas for doctors dealing with this equipment; it better facilitates instances of remote consulting regarding the medical information stored; and, makes it possible to compare the recent studies and medical advances with previous studies or with a study obtained from the other modality. Makhaon Workstation lets users store the obtained studies on laser media and provides a fast, easily-utilized search function. Makhaon Workstation makes it possible to create an integrated network of DICOM-devices available at the healthcare providers. Makhaon Workstation is accessible for image processing (MPR, DSA) purposes, as well as a capacity expansion module for 3D-image view and processing.
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