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Flash Cards

Flash Cards

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Developer's DescriptionBy Grey Olltwit SoftwareMake and play flash cards, no need to print them out.Make and play flash cards with our education program, no need to print them out. 58 lists with over 4,000 words included with the download. Show words from lists as flash cards. Text to speech is now built in so you can now hear the words too. A very simple program to help with learning lists of words. The idea was sent to me by Mary Godwin. Basically you choose a list of words and they will be shown randomly on screen in the form of flash cards. Apparently there is a set of 220 words which if learned by sight, are thought to be the key to progressing further with reading. This is called the Dolch list and I have included all 220 in 10 separate lists to help get you started. You can then create and save your own word lists in the program.
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