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Loose Change - New Zealand Dollars

Loose Change - New Zealand Dollars

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Developer's DescriptionBy Grey Olltwit SoftwareLearn about New Zealand Dollars.A game to help with learning about money. This version deals with New Zealand Dollars. There are 5 levels to the game. Which Coin? is all about coin identification. How Many? is calculating how many of the small coins make up the larger one. Make Up? is where you use the coins to make a certain value. How Much? is calculating the total value of the coins shown.Any Change? is working out how much change you receive after a purchase.Every time you answer 10 questions correctly you are shown the Bonus Level screen. In this level you get an extra question but this time it is related to your country's bank notes. Specimen pictures of the country's real bank notes are included in the program.This program uses pictures of actual coins and bank notes in circulation at the time of making the program. It is available in 9 currencies: GB Pounds Sterling, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, US Dollars, Euros, Euros in Dutch, Singapore Dollars, Ringgit Malaysia and New Zealand Dollars.
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