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BoulierTronic Win32

BoulierTronic Win32

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Developer's DescriptionBy AndroidemoProvide Chinese abacus with touch interface and non-touch interface (by moving the mouse).Chinese abacus with touch interface. Also supports non-touch interface (by moving the mouse). You move the balls by touching them and see the result of additions and substractions in real time. You can also make substractions, multiplications and divisions much faster than with a traditional abacus and see the result with the balls (for integers) or in a number field (for decimal numbers). Ability to copy the result into the clipboard. Digital capacity is 9,999,999,999 for displaying balls and 99 999 999 999 999 999 999 for displaying in the numeric field. You can enter a number using your keypad (max. capacity 9999999999) and visualise the balls position once you validate. Simple, fast, fun and intelligent interface. It allows you to better visualize the four basic operations and improve the speed of your mental calculations. Calculating using the Chinese abacus is very appreciated in schools and colleges as well as by anyone interested in an original way to do calculations
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