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mm Protein Data Bank Viewer

mm Protein Data Bank Viewer

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Developer's DescriptionBy Mikhail A. MishchenkoView PDB-Standard files and visualize the included atom structures in 3D.The program is viewer for PDB-Standard files and 3D visualization of the included Atom Structures.Several files in the same time can be open and displayed in the best way on the screen.The Atom Structure locates in two ways: As the Tree of Model - Chain - Residue - Atom, including "Het Atoms" (since version 2009.2.20.3). "Het Atom", Residue, Chain and Model contained "Het Atoms" are selected by the font of red color. Bold font shows that atom has a anthers ones have been got from CONECT section (since version 2009.3.20.4). As 3D Scene of selected objects.One model or one Chain or list of Residues can be selected in the Tree and this selection will be shown at the scene. The Residues can be selected by usual Windows way using mouse left key clicks with Shift or Ctrl keys on keyboard. Only Residues of the same Model can be multi selected. Selected Atom is shown on 3D-scene with the Residue owned the atom. If the Selected Atom has connected atoms 3D scene shows the Selected Atom Residue and all connected Residues (since version 2009.3.20.4).Double click on any Atom on the scene will show the Atom in the Tree without changing the Tree Selection for its best recognizing.Three buttons on the scene control panel "Chain", "Models" and "Residues" show the current screening object and switch to parent object without changing selection in the Tree.The buttons "Atoms Color" or "Residue Color" change the colors of the Atoms on the scene.The buttons "All Atoms" or "N-CA-C" change 3D screening way of Residues - only main N, CA and C Atoms or all ones.The seven buttons "Head", "Top", "Bottom", "Front", "Back", "Left", "Right" switch on or off the corresponding lamps on the scene for the best screening. The button "Visible" switches on or off the visibility of all the lamps except headlight lamps which is visible all time as white transparent cube in the center of coordinate system.
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