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WOD Generator

WOD Generator

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Developer's DescriptionBy Scaling WODSCreate your own workout of the day.Workout of the day is a varied workout using more than 25 exercises and 17 rep/time options. WOD Generator gives users the ability to complete constantly varied workouts using many full body exercises and different time and rep requirements. There is also a built in ability to track your workouts in the WOD Diary and see a list of benchmark workouts. Version 2.0 now includes a skill / strength session that is also constantly varied and includes similar exercises to the main WOD.Have fun and get fit. Rep / time schemes used include: - 5x5; 5x3; 21-15-9; 9-7-5; 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1; - EMOM (Every minute on the minute); - 5x 15,10; - 4x 10,10,10; - 3x 30,30,30; - 9 min AMRAP (As many rounds as possible); 18 min AMRAP (10,10,10); 3 min AMRAP, 3 min break, 6 min AMRAP; 12 min AMRAP (3,6,9); - 50-40-30-20-10; - Tabata; - 100-80-60-40-20; Exercises include: - Air Squats - Burpees - Clean - Kb Swings - Kb Goblet Squat - Handstand Pushups - Jerk - Alt Arm Kb Snatch - Pistols - Push Press - Clean And Jerk - Power Clean - Squat Clean - Dips - Overhead Plate Lunges - Pushups - Situps - Strict Press - Thruster - Deadlift - Turkish Get-up - Muscle-Up - Pull-Up - Hr Pushups - Plank Ups - Sdhp - Double-Unders (reps x 5).
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