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Buffer Intensity Calculator

Buffer Intensity Calculator

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Developer's DescriptionBy JHR SystemsAnalyze and find the intensity of crime with different weighting technique.Buffer Intensity Calculator provides 5 different inverse distance weighting approaches, so that instead of getting a crime count in the buffer, you can get crime intensity. Traditional approach to a buffer analysis is to determine a buffer distance around an object, and count the number of crimes within that buffer. The eventual score for each criminogenic location (the green dot) is the sum of the weightings for all the crime events within the buffer distance. You are required 2 CSV files containing 'X' and 'Y' list of locations and 'X' and 'Y' coordinates that has the crime events. Start by clicking the Locations file button and load the program with the CSV file that has the criminogenic locations of interest (the green dots). Then click the Crimes file button and load in the CSV file with the crime events. You now only have to make a couple more decisions. You should choose a suitable bandwidth as the limit beyond which points are no longer considered. The bandwidth is shown in the images above as a blue disc. The decision of a bandwidth is entirely your choice. Your final decisions are the choice of weighting and distance calculation techniques. The weighting technique chooses from one of five. Each measures distance from the center of the buffer differently. Distance is a choice of either as the crow flies (Euclidean) or using a grid approach (Manhattan).
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