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Developer's DescriptionBy Nijasmart systemsCreate any type of questionnaire paper with simple MCQs or IIT type of matrix match questions.nijaOMR software is designed for ease of use and low cost . Most tests can be finished in two or three clicks.You can use any scanner, any paper and photocopied or laser printed OMR sheets.Using nijaOMR Create any type of Question paper with simple MCQs or IIT type of matrix match questions.Print OMR sheets or print one and photocopy.Conduct the examination with your own question paper and OMR sheet.Using nijaOMR or just any scanner Scan the responses of the candidates.Using nijaOMR Evaluate(Score or assign marks)based on the darkened bubbles.Using ReportBuilder generate 8 different types of reports-Individual, total or statistical.Highlights: Twain compatible scanner enables you to use any scanner. Create your own question papers, templates and use evaluation options of your choice such as negative marking, weightings for negative. All types of questions used in IIT JEE/AIEEE/PMT etc such as MCQs, MRQs(multiple response questions),Para based MCQs, Matrix Matching and Integer type questions supported. Generate formatted Reports for class/Individual. Export data to excel/other software. Export results to your Web site. Built in evaluate for IIT/PMT templates.Users: Coaching institutes coaching for competitive exams. Training departments of industry. Schools wanting to implement CCE. Complete solutions including question papers available. Colleges using in house assessment. Marketing surveys. Recruitment firms.
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